So I actually refuse to watch live TV anymore, the only exception being the news, because of the constant interruptions & redundancy that add nothing but frustration to my television-watching experience. Plus, they are way louder than whatever program you were previously viewing--it's true, my 6th grade science project proved this to be accurate. 1st place--no big deal...So it goes without saying that in the past few years, DVR has been a good friend of mine. Well occasionally though I might be enjoying a snack though during my tube time & will let the commercials roll as I get up to put my dishes away. To my surprise, as I was doing so the other day, a song in the new Ford Mustang commercial got me excited! I kept reminding myself that the next time I got online I had to make a point of finding out the artist & song title. 'Light of the Morning' by Band of Skulls-- a British threesome, two of whom, sing lead vocals, all play instruments & more impressively--all write. Their stomp around the stage sound tinged with bluesy guitar gives them a gritty edge that sets them apart from their contemporaries, being well-dressed, hipster Brits doesn't hurt either. Between Emma Richardson's sultry pipes & Russell Marsden's classic rock sound, I think this power trio has something to offer for all ears--or at least ears that enjoy good music. Keep an eye out for Band of Skulls--their star is definitely on the rise.