On the last day that Bigs & Lindsey Jane were in town, we decided to take it easy & stay close to home-- so a little stroll around the Cherry Hill Mall seemed like a great, low key, afternoon idea. Somehow we managed to walk directly towards the Food Court & there in the middle of all the blah, fast food chains stood-- 'Crepe Maker'. Just like the Crepe Stand we frequent in Breckenridge, CO, they made the crepes right then & there & could be filled with anything of your choosing. We three excitedly scanned the menu, complete with loads of entree & dessert options. I had just completed an exceedingly far run that morning, so I decided to really indulge-- I ordered a "To Die For": a thin slice of cheesecake, chocolate (Nutella- a creamy, chocolaty hazelnut spread), strawberries, bananas & some whipped cream- all wrapped up in a delicious, thin, crepe- made right before thine eyes!!! Lindsey Jane got something similar with ice cream. There are many ways to waste calories- but this was not one of them. It was probably the most sinful thing I have ever put in my mouth-- rich, divine, dessert. For a moment I was in heaven. We all gushed about how jealous everyone would be of our amazingly sweet find. When I returned home I decided to look up 'Crepe Maker' & luckily for my friends & family in Dallas, there is a location at North Park Mall! So when I come home to visit, I can still enjoy my delightfully thin pancakes! Check out their website for more locations & catering information:
http://www.crepemaker.com/ C'est magnifique!
I will be going to North Park just for this decadent indulgence!!!