Whilst cruising one of my favorite websites:
http://www.luxuryculture.com/ I was "window shopping" and lusting after dozens of high end items when I came across a piece by Tom Binns. You know when you see a piece of art for the first time that really moves you or you hear a fantastic tune that lives on your personal playlist forever? Well...that's pretty much how mesmerized I was by this Tom Binns necklace. So of course I started Googling away, searching for more awe inspiring pieces from this master bedazzler. The more collections I found of his the more fascinated and blown away I was by his originality and craftsmanship. No stranger to recognition, he received the CFDA award for best accessories designer in 2006 and has collaborated with designers like Vivienne Westwood & Calvin Klein. His anarchist jewels have been featured in Harper's Bazaar and Vogue now for decades. So where did Binns find such inspiration for his jewelry collections? He was influenced by the Dada movement, a cultural response to World War I which rejected the prevailing standards of art. Through Dadaism's nihilistic view comes his unmistakable and deliberate rebelliousness. Taking anything and everything from vintage diamonds, beach glass or flea market finds to create an untraditional piece of wearable art. Check out the diversity in his numerous collections from simple elegance with a modern twist to Gothic and abstract.
http://www.tombinnsdesign.com/ Unbelievable!!!
I'll have the black cultured pearl necklace please!